Are you facing a divorce?
Are you sharing time with your kids?
Are you feeling worried, scared, overwhelmed, and alone?
How are my kids going to deal with this?
How am I supposed to raise happy, healthy kids when I don’t feel happy and healthy myself?
How am I going to co-parent effectively with someone I don’t feel like I know or even like anymore?
There’s so much uncertainty right now. How are you supposed to make all these life- altering decisions when you’re overwhelmed, confused, and emotionally distraught?
Your friends and family love you and want the best for you. They’re giving you all kinds of advice, but sometimes it’s conflicting. They don’t seem to truly understand how you feel. In addition to that, they don’t know the ins and outs of the legal process, which adds an extra layer of confusion.
You know it’s important to have a good lawyer or mediator, but they aren’t helping you with the emotional side of divorce or the mountains of paperwork. You need help processing through your feelings of shock, anger, sadness, fear, and overwhelm, so you can begin to let go and start your new chapter.
You can vent to your attorney, but that can get very expensive, and they may not know how to help.
A Certified Divorce Coach is a specialist who is trained to help you process through everything you’re feeling and who has the legal knowledge to help you with the mounds of legal forms you need to complete and sort through the decisions you’re facing.
A Certified Divorce Coach is your personal sounding board…someone who intimately understands divorce and all the legal, financial, and emotional ramifications. It’s someone to help you think through all those decisions systematically. With a Divorce Coach, you’ll more easily figure out where to start and what comes next, and that alone will have you feeling less overwhelmed.
Another benefit? You’ll be better able to minimize your knee-jerk reactions, so you’re responding more calmly and with greater confidence. You CAN improve your communication with your ex, so it’s respectful and based in facts, not emotions.
My specialty as a Divorce Coach is to help you tune into what your kids need and want as well as what their behaviors are telling you. You CAN keep the kids from being in the middle of your divorce, while giving them the boundaries and consistency they need.
I’ll also help you streamline your communication, not just with your ex but also with your attorney. I’ll help you organize your thoughts and questions for your attorney and make sense of the mass paperwork you’re bound to face. This will save you time and money!
So, talk to me. See how I can help with the specifics of what you’re dealing with. Schedule a confidential, complimentary coaching session with me. There is no obligation.
I promise you’ll walk away from our time together less confused and overwhelmed, with a sense of relief and peace of mind, knowing you have what it takes to get through this!