Divorce coach

About me…

After twenty years of working as a therapist, classroom teacher, and most recently, a school counselor, I have seen the impact of divorce on both adults and children.

Divorce is one of the top 5 most stressful events in life. As a person who has gone through it before, I can attest to this.

When I was 13 years old, my parents divorced. I was the youngest of 4 kids and  was the only one still at home.  So, I had to process most of what was unfolding in front of me on my own. Soon after my dad moved out, he started a new relationship. Not only was my mom heartbroken, she had to return to school so she could start a career after being a stay at home mom for nearly 20 years. I wish my mom had a divorce coach.  It would've helped her be a better mom and co-parent, and likely, a much happier person. 

Fast forward about 20 years and there I was, facing divorce myself.   My husband struggled with addiction, and after many years of counseling and rehab, I'd reached the end. I'd tried all I could. Although it was a simple divorce and no children were involved, it was still heartbreaking.  

Years later, I remarried, and we had a son together. My second husband wanted the divorce this time. I was shocked, devastated, angry, and grief stricken.  I wanted to save my marriage, so we tried both individual and couples counseling … even a Christ-centered marriage boot camp.  But it soon came to light that we were no longer a match for each other.

After 18 months, a failed mediation, a mound of lawyer fees, and plenty of mistakes made, we finally had an agreement. I grieved the end of this marriage, and eventually found peace. Peace in my home, in my head, but mostly in my heart.

Single parenting hasn’t been easy, but with my support system in place, my son and I are closer than we've ever been. I came out of my second marriage stronger, more confident, and with a firm understanding of my worth. 

After much reflection, I decided to leverage my life experiences and merge this with my professional background working with families and children to become a Certified Divorce Coach. 

My mission in life is to help parents and kids have the least amount of damage possible after divorce.  Will there be an impact? I won’t lie, yes, there will be.  With me by your side, you will move through all the emotions faster, get through the legal process easier, and be sure you’ve done the very best for yourself and your children. Isn’t that what we all want?

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
— Carl Bard